The Passage, Justin Cronin (4.5)
This book was recommended to me by a good friend whose opinion I greatly respect. That being said, when she mentioned ‘vampires’, I hesitated. It took another friend (with equally good taste) and a vacation week to coax me into picking it up. After reading this book, I will say my faith in both their opinions stand. ‘The Passage’ was indeed a dramatic page turner with all the elements (mystery, spiritualism, science and interesting characters) of a great story. I would put it in the genre of Steven King’s epic tome, ‘The Stand’. The vampires are a bit more like a botched experiment than relatives of Dracula and the plot is fast and interesting. My biggest complaint is that it is the first part of a trilogy and didn’t end satisfactorily on the last page. As I’m not known for my patience, it was an unhappy discovery to find I’ll have to wait many years for the conclusion. The author did say he has all 3 books outlined, so I guess I’ll just have faith :).
I must admit, I have this book on my shelves too and haven't picked it up for the same reservations you had. It was also recommended to me from an avid reader whose opinion I highly respect. Guess they are all on to something! I need to dust it off and crack it open.