Friday, February 3, 2017

'Dark Matter' by Blake Crouch

Dark Matter, Blake Crouch (4.0)

It is hard to write this review, as I don’t want to ruin any of the surprises. I will say that while this book was advertised as Science-Fiction, it is not the space ship type Sci-Fi but fits into the Philip K. Dick (‘Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep) realm of Sci-Fi. Basically the plot surrounds our hero, who has been abducted in the first pages, as he fights his way to get home. Of course nothing is as simple as it seems. The hero was a budding physicist in college who was on the verge of a Quantum Mechanics breakthrough before marrying and settling into a quiet life. I take some issue with the science in parts of the book, but generally was able to suspend belief and buy into the overall theme of the impact of paths not taken and regrets in life. If you enjoy the puzzle of Schrodinger’s Cat or are a fan of PKD, you will enjoy this book.