Friday, April 1, 2011

Debut - April 1, 2011

Firstly, this is not an April Fool's Joke, but it does seem like an auspicious date to begin. The idea for this blog came from the many inquiries I've gotten from friends such as 'what are you reading lately?' and 'can you recommend anything?'. I'm always looking for ways to share my love of books with anyone who is interested. The beauty of the milieu of the blog is that we can create a community to share ideas, comments and criticisms of books (and movies based on books). I plan to keep a list of what our book club has read and also augment with books read outside the bookclub. Some will have stars based on the group's criticisms and some will have a written review to suggest (or not) whether it was a worthy read. I hope others will join in the reviewing. I have a pretty broad spectrum of likes, but there are some genres (as most of you know) that I don't enjoy and I don't want them excluded!

I'll start with reviews of two of the books I've read recently and a list of the K&K Book Club books! Thanks in advance for joining the fun! KC

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea for a blog. Good luck. I hope you will have reviews of some of the great science fiction books.
