Tuesday, August 1, 2023

'The Talented Miss Farwell' by Emily Gray Tedrowe

The Talented Miss Farwell, Emily Gray Tedrowe (3.0)

Ms Tedrowe explains that the main character, Becky Farwell, was developed when she heard a news story of a woman in a small town who had embezzled $50M from the town over 20 years working her way up through the towns finance department. I can see how this would bring up many interesting questions for a writer: how did she keep it secret for so long? Why did she do it? What type of person was she? Tedrowe gives her intelligence and an art collecting passion. How she keeps it secret is a bit more of a stretch. Some of the details of bank accounts and art collection got a bit boring. I also felt it was odd that she had so little remorse for what she was doing to the town and her closest friend – particularly as she was not written as having an antisocial personality disorder

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