Monday, January 28, 2013

'The Chimps of Fauna Sanctuary' by Andrew Westoll

The Chimps of Fauna Sanctuary, Andrew Westoll (4.0)
I am glad to have read this book and recommend it, albeit with a warning: animal lovers will likely find themselves troubled by the shocking cruelty administered in the name of research.  Fauna Sanctuary is a non-profit sanctuary in Canada for chimps that have been used as research subjects, mainly in pharmaceutical and medical research.  Mr. Westoll spent a few months volunteering at the facility to better understand how the people there attempt to give these animals a peaceful retirement. Given the physical and psychological trauma the chimps have endured, it will be challenging for them to find peace.  When he wrote this book (2011), the GAPA (Great Ape Protection Act) was in front of a senate committee. It has since passed the committee and now needs to get in front of the rest of congress.  This act would phase out all research using chimpanzees in 3 years. I was surprised to read that the US is the only country that still does this research, even though a lot of scientists are saying it is unnecessary and too expensive. If you can get through the painful descriptions of their past, the stories of each of the chimps in retirement are very heartwarming and worthwhile.

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