Friday, November 2, 2012

'Cleopatra's Daughter' by Michelle Moran

Cleopatra’s Daughter, Michelle Moran (3.5)
Cleopatra’s history is well known and well documented in books, movies, and she even makes a good Halloween costume! But far less is known about her 3 children: the twins Alexander and Kleopatra-Selene, and the toddler, Ptolemy.  This is an interesting historical novel that takes the basic story from Octavian’s (later known as Augustus Caesar’s) conquest of Egypt and subsequent removal of the children to Rome. It is written from the eyes of Selene, in the years before she and Alexander become adults, and simultaneously become the larger threat to Rome.  Ms. Moran has taken dramatic license with at least one part of the story line, but holds true to the basics of their lives and the times.  I appreciated that she highlighted the deviations clearly in the Afterword, which is always helpful when reading historical fiction.  I also found Selene’s story so compelling (she follows in the mold of her powerful, independent mother and is an original women’s rights model) that I plan to read the non-fiction account of her life recommended by the author.

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