Sunday, July 24, 2011

Vacation Reading - 2011

I just got back from vacation and am so happy that I was finally able to squeeze in some good reading time. 2011 has been severely lacking so far (sigh). We went with a group of 11, so I surveyed what everyone was reading.

Me: I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak. Since this is for book club, I'll reserve my comments, but I really enjoyed this book.
Me: The Piano Teacher by Janice Y.K. Lee. Very good so far. I love historical fiction and this one is set in Hong Kong, during and after war time, so it's a new setting for me.
Stacy: The Unhealthy Truth: One Mother's Shocking Investigation into the Dangers of America's Food Supply - and What Every Family Can do to Protect Itself by Robyn O'Brien. I've read excerpts of this and found it very interesting. Stacy loved it. She liked that the author followed the more realistic 80/20 rule. Do what you can 80% of the time and don't stress over the other 20% that you can't because of time, money, convenience, est.
David: The 3rd Game of Thrones book by George R.R. Martin. He loves this fantasy series; lucky for him, because the books are huge!
Jon: Unbroken by Laura Hillendbrand. Can't wait to read this memoir. This author also wrote Seabiscuit, one of my favorites. Great writer!
Michele: Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky. I read this a few years ago and didn't entirely enjoy it. Read more like a short story and didn't allow you to really dig into the characters. Michele ended up reading The Unhealthy Truth instead.

Happy to report that the 6, 8 and 10-year olds read LOTS in the hammocks. Here is what my 10-year old read:
Ryan: Fish by Gregory Mone. A modern day pirate tale.
Ryan: Dying to Meet You: 43 Old Cemetary Road: Book One by Kate Klise. Fun easy read. Written in a series of letters, communiques, ads and other printed words.

Danielle, my 4-year old, was read to every day before nap and bedtime. We took a handful of favorites along. Keep them in mind for toddler gifts!!!
Seven Silly Eaters by Mary Ann Hoberman and Marla Frazee: Got this book solely because Marla Frazee is my very favorite illustrator. The story and pictures are well-thought out and have a charming complexity that are not dumbed down for kids. I never tire of this book ... well, almost never, we've read it A LOT.
Big Chickens by Leslie Helakoski. Fast paced, hilarious tale about a group of very "chicken" chickens who learn their inner bravery and pride. The writing is simple, but so smart with lots of alliteration and parallelism from page to page.
Princess Pigsty by Cornelia Funke. Cute non-stereotypical story about a princess who just wants to be a little girl, have fun, work hard, and learn things, rather than continue one more day of the privileged, stuffy life she leads. Simple, cute little story.

Happy Reading!

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