Wednesday, March 3, 2021

'Attack Surface' by Cory Doctorow

Attack Surface, Cory Doctorow (4.0)

Cory Doctorow has done it again – he has such a way of taking something I know to be true, and creating a page turning story that informs and scares at the same time. As the second follow-on book to ‘Little Brother’, I think it carries the torch well. He follows a secondary character pursue contract cybersecurity somewhat in parallel to ‘Homeland’, the second book in the series. As usual, the pace is frenetic, and the technology spins one’s mind. I try to slow down my reading to catch all the nuances, but the writing does not encourage that! As with most of his books, some characters are a bit one-dimensional, but I read Doctorow for the imaginative plot and thoughtful message. This delivers both. In the dedication and ‘Afterwords’ it is clear how close this book is to reality and Doctorow strikes an alarm that we should all heed.

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