The Fault in Our Stars, John Green (4)
I hesitated to read this book after hearing about its
subject, a love story about a terminally ill teenage protagonist. But, if you
can handle one good bout of crying, I found this to be one of the most
uplifting and worthwhile books about dying that I’ve read. The characters are
interesting and thoughtful, particularly note-worthy since they are teenagers,
albeit ones that have already gone through excruciating times. I won’t reveal
the main points of the story, though it was not completely predictable and it’s
not all hospitals and suffering. Since truly good characters need to be
multi-faceted, I was pleased to see that whenever the story took a particular
Pollyanna bent; Mr. Green pulled back and gave the characters realistic emotions
and behaviors. It’s not emotionally an easy read, but it is a worthwhile one.