Thursday, December 5, 2013

'Allegiant' by Veronica Roth

Allegiant, Veronica Roth (3)

I started this book, the third in the Divergent series, with some trepidation. Fans had not been kind to this last installment. Some felt Ms. Roth had betrayed her fans – so I was ready for the worst. Oddly, that seemed to help. My expectations were so low that it was relatively easy to surpass them. I do feel that it is the weakest of the three, with little progress in the story for an overall climax, and holes in the plot (in the explanation of the main characters reality and the external truth, there remained unexplained many details regarding the overall world and its interaction with the new characters). The story continues to follow Tris and Four as they lead a small group outside of the city. This is the first time either has seen the ‘real world’. The rest of the book focuses on their introduction to the external society and how they will interact with the remaining faction-less leaders back in the city. The series remains dark, with significant battles and deaths. In the end, my imagination thought up worst endings than Ms. Roth chose to use. I found the ending satisfying, though giving the hype around the series, I was hoping for something more inventive.

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