Sphere, Michael Crichton (4.0)
I read this book many years ago but wanted to reread as I had forgotten much. Most of Mr. Crichton’s books are page turners and I have a tendency to read too fast and miss important elements. ‘Sphere’ is certainly that kind of book. Published in 1987, the science holds together well today. I took my time and savored the drama. A group of scientists is called to a crash site in the Pacific Ocean. As the pages turn, you find that it’s not an airplane that has crashed and the government has set up a very detailed plan for the group to investigate the craft while remaining deep in the ocean for many days. The desire to understand what is happening coupled with the claustrophobic nature of being trapped so deep made it very difficult not to tear through the book. Don’t - I recommend going slow and enjoying the journey, if you can!