Tuesday, July 9, 2024

'When China Ruled the Seas: The Treasure Fleet of the Dragon Throne, 1405-1433' by Louise Levathes

When China Ruled the Seas: The Treasure Fleet of the Dragon Throne, 1405-1433, Louise Levathes (3.5)

This is a fascinating review of China’s seafaring culture in the early 1400’s. Written in a rather text-book manner, the author manages to review some of the preceding dynasties (given China’s long history, this is not easy to do without becoming very confusing) while spending most of her time on the 30 years or so a surprisingly outward reaching era. The most shocking fact may have been the size of the ships built (>400 ft long). A graphic shows many Mayflower type ships would have fit in one of the Treasure Fleet ships. In those 30 years one adventure seeking Emperor would send 300 ships to as far as East Africa with many of China’s treasures (silk, porcelain, etc.) to trade. Upon his death, his son reverted to the typical Confucian attitude of isolation and the potential world domination of China was halted. I’m surprised how little has been written about this era, this book seems to do a good job summarizing it.


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